July 27, 2024



Inter-University Higher Academic Council


Welcome to IUHS.


Established in Paris (France), the IUHAC is an Association of eminent scientists of the world, from all continents, countries and peoples, and the only integrated and qualified scientific institution in the world that is permanently functioning and fully functional in its aims and objectives.

It is internationally accredited and deals with the most important international issues (theoretical and practical).

All the diversity of IUHAC’s activities is carried out on the philosophical and methodological basis of the “Philosophy of Interaction” as the Philosophy of Peace in the World, Everywhere and Everywhere. Not ‘monism’ (just that) and violence (or – or, who – who), but ‘binary’ (and that and that) and interaction (and – and, person – person).

The composition of the IUHAC includes scientists with international authority. The IUHAC trains high-level international scientific and management staff, unique specialists in various fields of science and important scientific activities. These specialists, as well as those who prepare them, are of global value.

The IUHAC awards International Doctorates in selected sciences for the theoretical and practical solution of an important scientific problem and for the development and justification of a new direction in science. It also awards an honorary doctorate to public, political and cultural figures. IUHAC training specialists under US accreditation of TFSU – Tarptautinis fundamentalių studijų universitetas, VšĮ (Université internationale des études fondamentales, établissement public).

The Ministry cooperates with governmental and public organisations worldwide.

The Ministry regularly organises international scientific meetings (congresses, forums, symposia, round tables).

The Ministry publishes periodical scientific publications in print and electronic form, issues relevant Certificates and awards special medals and badges of eminent scientists of the world.

The IUHAC organises its activities in various cities around the world. The headquarters of IUHAC is in Paris, France.

It is headed by a Presidium headed by the President Prof. Santhi Jayasekera. The structure of IUHAC will be specially designed.

Email: info@iuhac.fr

Internet: www.iuhac.fr


Email: info@iuhac.fr, Email. tfsu.lithuania@gmail.com

www;iuhac.fr, www.tfsu.lt